Andrea Blake

is the

Andrea Blake is the Southwest Sampler

Are you looking for the right creator to promote your:

  • Brand

  • Product

  • Experience

  • Destination

Andrea Blake

About Andrea Blake

Andrea Blake is not only an Arizona influencer, she’s a passionate content creator with a love of adventure, self-love and self-discovery.

As a content creator and entrepreneur she' s worked with everything from startup ventures to Fortune 500 companies while bringing awareness to must- stay resorts, outdoor adventures, lifestyle products, music festival s and more. Pairing that extensive experience with incredible talent has made her the sought after artist that she is today.

Gain access to her over 200,000 + followers and subscribers across the following platforms:

Ways We Can Work Together

  • Create content for you

  • Feature your brand n my content

  • Create a brand event

  • Generate awareness

  • Create engagement

  • Drive traffic

  • Create brand campaigns

Andrea Blake

Create Content for you

Featured in my content

Guest on your podcast

Create A Brand Event

Generate AWareness

Create engagement

Drive TRaffic

Brand campaigns

The Benefit of Partnering with a Creator


of consumers have reported being influenced by a creators recommendation when making a purchasing decision.


increase in affiliate sales when leveraging influencers and 35% increase in AOV when the source is an affiliate


of marketers say influencer-generated content performs better than other brand-directed content.

Consumers follow creators that post content related to their interests. There are all sorts of influencers out there, so it isn’t hard to find a select few that they can resonate with. Because of this “relatability” factor as well as the fact that the person may be seen as a specialist or expert in their field, consumers are more likely to trust influencers over celebrities when it comes to advertising.

To put this into perspective, a report by Morning Consult found that 72% of Gen Z and Millennial respondents follow creators. The report also found that 50% of millennials trust influencers for product recommendations, compared with 38% for their favorite celebrities.

This is why it’s a worthy marketing channel: when you find the right influencer to promote your products, their audience—and hopefully your consumers—are likely to pay attention.

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Brands I’ve Partnered With

Check out my webinar on the value of partnering with creators

The Power of Influencer Marketing Webinar

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Southwest Sampler